
I'm Whitney. Welcome to my little slice of the Internet, where I talk about life in Seattle and our travels beyond it. I have a handsome husbro I may have met outside of a bar, two crazy felines, and two kiddos, too. It’s a lot, so I’m not always spending as much time here as I’d like. Do you like reality TV, sampling all the products, and pickled veggies? Same! 

I'm so glad  you're here. 

Brand Next Door: Little Free Library

I come from a family of librarians. My grandma, mom and uncle all spent many years with the Dewey Decimal System and teaching me about books. I remember sitting at our dining room table reading my first book with my grandma - Norma Jean Jumping Bean - at four years old, and never going back. After that first book, I read everything - and, much to my parents' chagrin, out loud.

Reading is a part of me. My grandma allows us all a lot of leeway, but she would never let us have a TV at our lake cabin. We play games, we talk, we read and we get off the grid completely. I can't tell you how many books I've read on our dock. Page after page and story after story.

I've been having a major internal struggle for the past few years, though. It's two-fold: Teaching standardized tests trained me to read differently. Yes, I majored in English, but they don't teach you grammar skills in school anymore. Not at the level I learned them after graduating. It's been about four years since I taught the SAT, but I still have a hard time escaping into books. I used to finish any book I started, based mostly on principle. Now, if I find myself correcting grammar or judging syntax, I can't concentrate on the story. I've become very hipster about it. Some of that mass appeal stuff I won't even open. 50 Shades of Grey is a great example. Not saying it's bad, just that it's not for me. I had a hard time reading the Twilight series, but since I'd already started, I finished it all. And I judged the weird flowery language the whole time.

Also, social media. My attention span operates in 140 characters or fewer. I find myself scrolling apps instead of diving into my books. I need to be better. I need to pay devoted, long-term attention.

That's where Little Free Library comes in. I had set a few books aside that I wanted to donate to the Little Free Libraries around our neighborhood. On one of our recent walks, Raz and I hit THREE of them. I donated to the first and really wanted to bring a new book home to read, but didn't find anything I wanted until the last stop.

Donating Water for Elephants. Pretty good read, mediocre movie.
Our first stop. The sidewalk here was made of a strange bouncy rubber material I was really feeling.
Second stop. Raz and I had to pull up a map of the Libraries on his phone, but we found it! 
Grocery store status collection here, though.
The last stop, and my favorite. I love seeing Libraries dedicated to someone special.
That side door holds the guest book.
Library love notes.
New read! I'll let you know how I like it (haven't seen the movie).

I'd love to know what you're reading - always looking to add to my collection. 

My Perfectly (Prettier Than) Pinterest Seattle Bridal Shower

Spring in Queen Anne