Majorly Maxxed
There comes a time when you've been staring at grey skies/computer monitors for far too long, rolling your eyes at the idiotic emails from your "wedding planner," removing a small feline from household surfaces and wondering what weather-appropriate outerwear to put on each morning that you just reach your threshold.
"ENOUGH," you declare. Your fiancé looks over at you, looks back to the NBA playoffs.
And you start desperately online/in-store shopping for maxis. Because maxis = sun = vacation = the potential for tan lines = sanity.
And when you're in the right place (
Nordstrom Rack) at the right time (a random Wednesday in early March) you can find something ABSOLUTELY SINFULLY BEACH-READY for $19.97 (originally $54 at Nordstrom). Just add beach bag, sunscreen on your ear tips (seriously, always forget those), a selection of good books and magazines and you're ready to find that fruity drink umbrella you so deserve.
Maxi: Soprano via
Nordstrom Rack
Sunglasses: Cole Haan via
Nordstrom Rack
Bag: Steve Madden via
Nordstrom Rack
Necklace and bracelet: Gifted from
Photos: April from
Ribbon and Lace Photography