
I'm Whitney. Welcome to my little slice of the Internet, where I talk about life in Seattle and our travels beyond it. I have a handsome husbro I may have met outside of a bar, two crazy felines, and two kiddos, too. It’s a lot, so I’m not always spending as much time here as I’d like. Do you like reality TV, sampling all the products, and pickled veggies? Same! 

I'm so glad  you're here. 

An Eggsellent Easter Project for You!

I saw these when I was casually stalking Instagram and thought, OMG, how cuuuuute. Hey, I can make those! 

So I did. 

Look how fun! I didn't buy anything—boiled eggs we already had, pulled some weeds out of the garden, made some little flower crown loops out of them, drew faces, and beholdddd. 

Less mess and more fun than dye kits. Dye kits have their place and all, but it's nice to change things up. AND I JUST LOVE THEIR EXTREME CUTE FACTOR, AHHHH. 

Try something new for Easter at your house! I want to see what you've got. 

I'll be heading to Southern California to see my mom and the extended fam starting Thursday. Girlfriend is ready for some sun. Raz's parents will meet us, and it'll all be on Snapchat/Instagram: @whitpopa. 

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Prepping for Nordstrom Triple Points