Free At-Home Workouts from Seattle-Area Studios
While COVID-19 continues its sweep across the globe, shutting down pretty much everything and decimating the stock market, it’s been hard for me to get my head right. One of the most difficult things for me to manage in general is too much information coming at me from too many different directions. I can’t handle my mom texting me AND blowing up my Facebook Messenger while I’m trying to respond to an important email. Live streaming the governor’s latest press conference while refreshing Twitter and telling Alexa to play NPR has just become too much. I had to reel it in or it would start to feel like an even crueler reality than it already did. I had to take a break.
And in the midst of deleting handfuls upon handfuls of CEO letters from everyone who’s gotten my email address telling me about their approach to taking necessary precautions, I opened a few. And in them, I found kindness and empathy and a very real understanding of nurturing community, even if it can’t be in person. My favorite fitness studios from all around the Seattle area are offering free or deeply discounted online classes just because they feel it’s the right thing to do, and probably because they need the break, too.
I’m keeping a running list to share with people as they need it. I tweeted about the emails and people seemed like they felt the same way I did—that we needed these streaming sessions. Please tell me about any you know of that you think I should add. I’ll be checking out as many as I can in the next few weeks (maybe, hopefully not beyond). I have huge gratitude to the instructors and owners—THANK YOU for giving us breaks from maniacally refreshing the news, for offering us the opportunity to move, and for bringing us together:
Twist Yoga (Streaming via IG Live at least 1x/day)
Barre3 Edmonds (Streaming via IG Live—announced in stories or on a feed post)
CorePower Yoga (via CorePower OnDemand)
The Studio—San Juan Island (Streaming via IG Live and announced on social)
Pure Barre Bellevue (via IG Live starting Wednesday, March 18)
Dance Church (Sign up online)
Pure Barre (Free 60-day Pure Barre On Demand Subscription—if you’re in their system, they emailed you about it and you have to reply to the email to get it set up)
Community Fitness (Donation-based while they get up and running)
Dance Body (Based out of NYC—free trial live stream. They have kid-friendly programs)
Grinning Yogi ($5-$20 sliding scale. Classes held via Zoom)
Cosmic Kids Yoga (always free on YouTube)
Namaste so hard. At home. We got this.