
I'm Whitney. Welcome to my little slice of the Internet, where I talk about life in Seattle and our travels beyond it. I have a handsome husbro I may have met outside of a bar, two crazy felines, and two kiddos, too. It’s a lot, so I’m not always spending as much time here as I’d like. Do you like reality TV, sampling all the products, and pickled veggies? Same! 

I'm so glad  you're here. 

An Open Letter To My Daughter on Her 1st Birthday

An Open Letter To My Daughter on Her 1st Birthday

Bianca Nicole, you rascal of a baby woman—

This year with you has absolutely flown. We can’t stop talking about how you’re no longer a baby. You’ve become a little girl right in front of us.

From the moment you decided you were ready to make your entry into our world, you have kept things moving. You broke my water in the parking garage at the hospital and from then, it was ON. I’ll never forget how we met, and I’ll always be grateful for your ability to make things happen.

I love that you like to say “Momma” more than you like to say “Dada.” I needed that after your brother talked about only Dada for his first two years, so thank you. It’s also very cute to hear you say, “Uh oh,” your new favorite phrase. You shake your finger at us the zillion times a day we tell you NO—are you seeing a trend here? Always up to something, you are.

You have added a spicy new layer to our family, which feels complete with you in it. You are always smiling and telling jokes. You fight back against your brother and take no gruff from him. Already, I am proud of the person you are, and I am so excited to try to keep up with you as you grow into who you are meant to be.

My wishes for you:

  1. That you will let your gut lead you in the right directions and never sacrifice who you are to please others.

  2. That you will continue to hold your brother accountable.

  3. That you will follow your curiosities and dig in to what lights you up, even if people tell you it’s random or hippy dippy or basic, etc.

  4. That you will remember your worth and accept big love only.

  5. That your life will be one of as much adventure as you want it to be, and that you will share it with us.

  6. That you will work hard to grow—your mind, your spirit, your physicality—in ways that feel in flow with you.

  7. And that you will know, always, that you are loved and cherished and dreamed about and wished for.

I’m sure this list will keep growing, but know we love you more than I could ever express and we’re so glad you’re part of us.

Happy birthday, BIanca!

An Open Letter To My Son on His 3rd Birthday

An Open Letter To My Son on His 3rd Birthday

An Open Letter to My Dad on His 71st Birthday

An Open Letter to My Dad on His 71st Birthday